Saturday, April 17, 2010


Prem was tensed. The next day his +2 results were to be announced. He didn’t even sleep that night.

He got up next day soon. He went to temple. In his life he had never done this. Ya! But today something

was in his mind. He came home. It was 9.55 . 5 more minutes for the results. He was sitting in front of

the computer. Results were announced. He typed his registration number. His hands were trembling.

His heart beat was rapid. The page was slowly appearing. He was shocked. He had got very poor marks.

He knew he didn’t do well. But this mark he had never expected. His parents scolded him like anything.

“ You spoke lot about your friends and roamed with them happily. But now what is your position? Will

they think of you? Will they help you? Have you received a single phone call from them yet? None of

them will care for you. Get away from here.” He couldn’t speak. Tears came from his eyes not even for

getting poor marks , but what if the word his parents told would become true? What if they forget him?

He believed his friends ardently. He was confused. He had no courage to stay in his home. He wanted to

go out. He was walking in the road. Nothing appeared in his mind. His mind was blank. He didn’t even

hear the horn of the lorry which was rushing behind him. In a minute his eyes too became blank. Five

hours went by. He slowly opened his eyes. His friend was standing by his side. He had given blood for

him and took care of all the expenses required for the surgery. He said ,” Machi, no problem you are

alright now. “ Prem was speechless. He smiled. They were wrong.


Unknown said...

really they are wrong there stands friendship which matters no marks no money jus a kind heart......its true....

Gifty Kiruba Arasu said...

friendship like dat is true but really rare........